24 March 2011

Metatrader Expert Advisor e-Regr and Metatrader Indicator i-Regr

Metatrader Expert Advisor e-Regr and Metatrader Indicator i-Regr [ ru | cn ]
Author: fxcanada (2008.09.12 08:16)
Rating: 10
Downloaded: 17587
 i-Regr.mq4 (4.5 Kb) View
 e-Regr.mq4 (10.1 Kb) View
Regression Channel
Linear Regression Channel consists of two parallel lines, equidistant up and down from the line of linear regression trend. The distance between frame of the channel and regression line equals to the value of maximum close price deviation from the regression line.
Linear Regression Channel

Second-power (Parabolic) Polynomial Regression Channel

Third-power Polynomial Regression Channel
MetaTrader Indicator i-Regr Setting

Degree - power of Polynomial : 1- linear; 2- parabolic; 3- Third-power

MetaTrader Expert Advisor e-Regr based on Regression Channel MetaTrader Indicator

If price lower than under line - Buy
If price bigger than upper line - Sell
TakeProfit by average line.
Stop Loss = 0 but you can set Stop Loss
Trend Protection: If D1 candle (for previously day) bigger than 150 pips – trade prohibition and close all opened position.

MetaTrader Expert Advisor e-Reg Setting

Warning: The Expert advisor e-Regr was not adjusted and was not optimized.

8 comments  To post a new comment, please log in or register
Great expert, but hard to optimise, has anyone got good optimised inputs ?
30.08.2010 20:25 rjpickup
onewithzachy wrote:
I have to admit that it looks good. Even when compare iRegr polynomial degree 1 to "fixed" Linear Regression (with " Y = intercept + Slope * X " formula), the shape of Polynomial iRegr is much better. But there's a problem...
The heavy Gauss-matrix calculations is taking too much memory and processor resources, especially when using it as icustom. I end up having MT4 not responding and twice error not enough memory. I tried to reduce the calculation, by having it to calculate several calculation only once, like calculation for sum of square X (which is very easy) or the Gauss-matrix calculation (then we move the matrix result calculation to the second matrix for further calculation, like calculation for polynomial coefficient) and even tried to use different ways for matrix calculation either using Gauss or Gauss-Jordan elimination, or using elementary row calculation to back substitution, but I end up having wrong result value.
My current (and hopefully the only) problem that I can't figure is the Gauss elimination on sum of XY.
I hope its just me the fool one, but is there anyone that can solve this problem, so that the iRegr or another Polynomial Regression doesn't have to calculate on every tick.
The second (little kind a funny) problem is... I rewrite the iRegr so it only draw the first line of the center line and its deviation line only, so I can see the previous lines, but when compare it to LWMA especially on smaller period (<5) the center line looks just almost the same line with LWMA.

Would the following change ensure that the work is done only on the open of each bar?
int start()
  if (Bars < bars) return;
  if (LastSignal == Time[0]) return;
30.05.2010 01:56 engcomp
Could you pls add a condition such that (True / False) which selects if the EA would initiate trade only in the direction of the trean

if the Channel is sloping up, only Longs would be initiated and when the proce hits lower band
If the Channel is sloping Down, only Shorts would be initiated when the price hits upper band
09.03.2010 18:16 MANUBAJWA3000
I downloaded the EA 2 days ago and installed it (EA) correctly, but it is not trading on GBP/USD-M5. Settings are at default. Any suggestions, please?
Thanking you in advance.
27.01.2010 16:33 Hercs78
I have to admit that it looks good. Even when compare iRegr polynomial degree 1 to "fixed" Linear Regression (with " Y = intercept + Slope * X " formula), the shape of Polynomial iRegr is much better. But there's a problem...
The heavy Gauss-matrix calculations is taking too much memory and processor resources, especially when using it as icustom. I end up having MT4 not responding and twice error not enough memory. I tried to reduce the calculation, by having it to calculate several calculation only once, like calculation for sum of square X (which is very easy) or the Gauss-matrix calculation (then we move the matrix result calculation to the second matrix for further calculation, like calculation for polynomial coefficient) and even tried to use different ways for matrix calculation either using Gauss or Gauss-Jordan elimination, or using elementary row calculation to back substitution, but I end up having wrong result value.
My current (and hopefully the only) problem that I can't figure is the Gauss elimination on sum of XY.
I hope its just me the fool one, but is there anyone that can solve this problem, so that the iRegr or another Polynomial Regression doesn't have to calculate on every tick.
The second (little kind a funny) problem is... I rewrite the iRegr so it only draw the first line of the center line and its deviation line only, so I can see the previous lines, but when compare it to LWMA especially on smaller period (<5) the center line looks just almost the same line with LWMA.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your great post. It's really very informative and really helpful. Please Keep posting. Thanks again.
    23 traders


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