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Free Trading Plan

Graph showing the trading volume of TSE, 1st s...Image via Wikipedia
 Paste, copy and print this, a new lesson will be posted every day. Each lesson will build on the day before.
Lesson number 2   Money
* You must set in stone the most important thing with money management – protecting
your capital. Even though your primary motivation is to make money and you consider
this important, protecting your trading capital is even more important. How can you
make money, if you don’t have any money to trade with?
* The most important trading rule is to cut your losses. To do this, we use stop losses.
A ‘stop loss’ is a pre-defined level (price) at which you will exit a trade based on the
premise that it is not moving in the direction that you had anticipated, and therefore you
are losing money. The first thing was how are you going to set your stop loss point?
* One of the best ways to manage your risk when trading is to limit or set a cap on how
much money you put into a single position. This is to guard against the possibility of
something adverse occurring. What is the maximum percentage of your trading capital
you are prepared to commit to a single trade?
* Another crucial part of money management is position sizing. How are you going to
position size? Examples include the equal portion method and the model based on your
risk amount and where you position your initial stop loss. Which one are you going to
use? Second, what is going to be your maximum risk exposure across your trading
portfolio at any one time? Will you limit the number of trades based on how much risk
capital you have at risk across all of your open trades?
* What happens if you keep losing money? This question has little to do with trading but
rather your own financial situation. Are you prepared to lose every cent of your
allocated trading capital before you are forced to stop, or do you think you would like to
hold on to some of the money and commit it somewhere else, with the plan of either not
trading again for an extended period of time or giving up altogether?
* Further on trade size - if you have had 3 losses in a row, the probability that you are
going to have a profitable trade doesn’t automatically shift in your favour. Nor does it
continue to shift as each losing trading passes. Don’t increase your trade size thinking
your next winner is just around the corner. After a few losses, your trade size should be
decreased slightly to reflect your diminished trading capital.
* Liquidity is your ability to trade in a stock without adversely affecting the market price
due to insufficient buyers and sellers in the market for that stock. You never want to be
stuck with a stock that you need to exit from just because there are insufficient buyers
in the market. How are you going to measure liquidity and what will be your minimum
level you will accept?
* Volatility is directly linked to risk. Would you consider using a minimum or maximum
filter for volatility percentage? In trying to avoid speculative stocks, will you only enter
trades when the price is above a set amount? If so, what is that amount?
* There are numerous products available to trade including shares, futures contracts,
options on futures as well as options on stock, currencies (foreign exchange), CFDs and
more, and they all have different risk profiles. If you are trading multiple products, how
are you going to allocate your capital accordingly based on the different levels of risk?
* What would you describe as an adverse move against you and what will you do should
it happen to you? Second, under what other circumstances will you consider selling
regardless of what exit points you set?
* Now to some happier money management areas – selling with a profit. How are you
going to trail the stock price with your exit once the price moves higher? How are you
going to calculate this?
* A strategy for to consider is pyramiding – adding more money to a profitable trade.
Will you consider pyramiding into profitable trades? If so, at what point will you
purchase more shares in the company and how will determine how much more to buy?
* Similar to the mindset area, there is a lot to learn about managing your money in
trading. Telling you to cut losses is one thing – executing that ruthlessly and without
hesitation can be another. Working out that you are going to use a 10% trailing exit for
your trades is all well and good – sticking with that and not changing the rules half way
through a trade can be another challenge altogether.
The next lesson will be posted tomorrow. Keep checking back. Free-Trading-Plan

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