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Forex Trading - How It Works

Trading Room of the Freeman School of Business Image via Wikipedia

Forex trading is a way to make some money on the side. It needs to be entered carefully, however, for best results. Here is a look at how it works.
Forex trading is becoming very popular today. This hot market involves the trading of one currency against the value of another one. Currently, this 3 trillion-dollar a day foreign currency exchange market is becoming more and more profitable to those who will take the time to understand how it works and take advantage of it. Here are some important things that need to be learned about Forex trading before getting started in it.

Forex Transactions Always Involve Two Currencies

Every Forex transaction involves both buying and selling foreign currencies at the same time. Each transaction can take place very quickly - in just a matter of a few minutes, over several days, or for a much longer period. An example of a trade would be the buying of Japanese yen at $1.15 each. When compared to a dollar, the symbols for both would appear as USDJPY, or USD/JPY. Later, those yen are sold when they are worth $1.17 each. This means that US currency increased in value and is now able to buy more yen than it could when it was first purchased. In this instance, two "pips" were gained from the transaction, which means the bid was profitable.

Forex Brokers are Needed for Every Transaction

Each transaction requires that a Forex broker handle it. They control the transaction and will work with the buyer to complete the desired goal. Forex broker Web sites provide buyers with various amounts of leverage which can go as high as 400:1. Because regular Forex transactions deal in lots of 100,000 at a time, the leverage is needed just to be able to perform a bid.

Currency Fluctuations Make Forex Work

The goal in Forex, or the thing that needs to be looked for, are those times when the value between two foreign currencies will fluctuate. This can be "predicted," or expected, by studying patterns and trends available on the charts, which is the more popular technical approach. The other method of “knowing” when the desired fluctuations will occur come from watching global or corporate events, political events, and this is called the fundamental approach.

Most Common Currencies Traded on the Forex Market

The most commonly traded currencies on Forex are the dollar (USD), the Euro (EUR), the British Pound (GBP), the Swiss Franc (CHF), and the Japanese Yen (JPY). Most all, or about 85% of Forex transactions taking place will use these currencies. Other foreign currencies may also be traded, but trades among them are not nearly so common.

A Forex Education is Essential to Success

In order to get started on the foreign currency exchange (Forex), it is absolutely essential to have a good Forex education about it. Start by learning the various terms involved in FX trading, understand how to read the Forex charts and find out what Forex indicators to look for, and how to prevent or minimize potential losses.

Online currency trading provides a potentially good way to make an income, or at least supplement it. Be very careful about getting started too quickly, however, because that is a sure way to lose a lot of money quickly. With good Forex training, a lot of study, and some patient testing of personal Forex strategies on the demo accounts, the way to the Forex online profits will not be far behind.


  1. untuk melakukan jual beli dan mendapatkan profit yang bisa kita raih tentu saja hal yang pertama dilakukan kita harus mendaftar dulu di broker. karena walaupun trading dengan memakai mt4 , akan tetapi yang berperan dalam perdagangan uang tentu saja broker seperti juga di OctaFx, ytang sudah teregulasi dan memilikin lembaga penjamin dana


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