14 October 2010

Forex Ultimate System: Price Action Forex Signals From Bob Iaccino

This is the logo of Global Forex Signals (GFSi...Image via Wikipedia
Bob Iaccino is a well know Forex trader who has over 15 years experience as a trader and who has helped many people become successful traders through his Forex training and daily Forex webinars. (You might have seen him on CNBC, Bloomberg CNN or Fox). Now he is doing a new project called Forex Ultimate System which is going to make it even easier than ever to profit from the {a href=" http://bit.ly/9Gi27u"} Forex markets.
Basically, Forex Ultimate System is a combination of Forex training and Forex signals. Bob and his team of traders will send you tradable Forex signals based on his trade system. The proprietary software they created communicates and places a pop up directly on your trade platform... so you can seamlessly take action and profit from these signals (just like Bob Iaccino does).
There are a few reasons I am going to join this Forex signals and training service...
* Bob Iaccino is a REAL trader with a proven track record. I can't tell you how many people complain about losing money in Forex, but that are following some no-name trader or unproven system. If you want to succeed, you need to follow the real success stories.
* My experience with Trader Outlook. Trader Outlook is Bob Iaccino's Daily Webinar service where he goes over the charts, currencies and setups he is looking to trade on the 4 hour charts every day. You get entry levels, stop loss levels and 2 take profit targets. I am in this service and know the kinds of trades Bob recommends. They are safe, based on a quality system and above all else... profitable!
* The signals are produced by REAL traders based on PRICE ACTION. Yes, I know, everyone wants automation (and the software that you get with Forex Ultimate System helps you automate much of your trading). But the best trading systems are always based on price action... which is best read by a REAL human being. The signals you get are sent by a real person reading price action in real time... and not some automated signal generated by a bunch of code.
* The Forex signals are backed up with training about the system used to create the signals. Many new traders think just the signals are good enough. But the truth is, if you don't understand or have confidence in the system used to create the signals, you will most likely abandom them at some point. Understanding the trading system helps you create the "traders mindset" needed to trade the signals consistently and overcome the eventual losses that happen when trading.
So, if you are looking for trade signals generated by a real PROFESSIONAL trader that is based on Price Action... then the Forex Ultimate System is something to get excited about!
{a href=" http://bit.ly/9Gi27u"} CLICK HERE to Get a Sneak Peak of the Forex Ultimate System in Action
The Forex Ultimate System is not like anything ever released before. No PDFs or boring tutorial. No crazy theories or vague concepts. Instead, Robert personally takes regular everyday people and walks them through every aspect of making money with Forex. Robert created this system as the complete A-to-Z step-by-step video forex training guide.

12 October 2010

Trade With Your Demo and Win

Demo Trading Bisa Dapat Real Trading :
Berikut ini adalah promo dari easy-forex ® murni, kami (http://forexjust.blogspot.com) tidak ada ikatan atau affiliasi sama sekali dalam mempublikasika artikel ini, namun semata-mata hanya untuk menambah wawasan para trader semua.

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Perdagangan valas melibatkan risiko kerugian yang besar. Jangan menginvestasikan uang Anda tidak mampu untuk kalah!
Harap dicatat bahwa informasi yang diberikan dalam e-mail ini adalah untuk penggunaan pribadi dan tujuan informasi saja dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk distribusi, atau digunakan oleh, setiap orang atau entitas di yurisdiksi manapun di negara manapun dimana distribusi atau penggunaan akan bertentangan dengan hukum atau peraturan atau yang akan dikenakan setiap anggota mudah forex ® untuk setiap persyaratan pendaftaran dalam yurisdiksi atau negara. Informasi yang diberikan dalam e-mail ini bukan merupakan penawaran umum pada bagian forex mudah ® bawah setiap peraturan perundangan yang berlaku, atau penawaran atau ajakan pada bagian yang mudah-forex ®, untuk masuk ke dalam suatu hubungan bisnis dengan penerima ini e-mail. mudah-forex ® tidak membuat rekomendasi mengenai manfaat dari setiap produk keuangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam website (s), email atau situs terkait dan informasi yang terkandung dalam mudah-forex 'website ® (s), email atau situs web yang terkait tidak memperhitungkan tujuan pribadi Anda, kondisi keuangan dan kebutuhan. mudah-forex ® menyarankan Anda membaca Peraturan Page , The Produk Pernyataan Pengungkapan , yang Syarat dan Ketentuan dan Jasa Keuangan Panduan sebelum membuat suatu keputusan tentang produk-produk yang ditawarkan oleh forex mudah ® di website (s), email atau apapun yang terkait website. Informasi yang disediakan pada aplikasi apapun untuk membuka account dengan mudah forex ® adalah tunduk pada verifikasi dan due diligence oleh kepatuhan kami dan-penipuan departemen anti dan mudah-forex ® berhak untuk menentukan, di adalah kebijakannya sendiri dan tanpa perlu memberikan penjelasan atau pembenaran, apakah atau tidak ingin masuk ke dalam hubungan bisnis dengan pemohon tersebut. Aktivasi account apapun dengan mudah forex ® adalah tunduk pada Syarat dan Ketentuan yang mengatur penggunaan forex mudah ® Trading Platform dan Perjanjian Pengguna yang tercantum di dalamnya. ini syarat dan ketentuan serta persyaratan dan ketentuan yang berlaku untuk hubungan bisnis dijelaskan dalam dokumen ini dapat berubah dengan mudah forex ® tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
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06 October 2010


soucce: titik-titik-kelemahan-trader-forex
MILAN, ITALY - NOVEMBER 10:  A model pose with...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Ride a motorcycle ? My own answer before you answer this question . " Yes ! " Let me just who is considered strange . If you answer , not weird anymore , can be stressful ! ? Woke , skip it ... !
Talk about riding a motorcycle , Whew .. Horray! Gas tariiiik ! Saliiiip ! Reeeeem ! Steered a little to avoid holes, ciiihaaaaa ! Oops , leaked koq ya, hmmm , hit the nail ! Search for garage , replace the tire .. ! Assem, light also dead , should I change because it will pierce the night as well. Driving , so my adventures into Jupiter MX rider . Wkwkkwkw ...
Well, trading is like any other skills , including riding a motorcycle . So it's not my intention to show off , Bro ! Nor was the report , I was like speeding when driving hehehhe ...
Riding a bike this good ; mind focused on the road , the readiness of the vehicle complete with his letters , distarter correctly , at first slowly and then speeding up its speed by increasing the gas slowly , in a careful way many traffic signs . Understand the meaning, so it does not harm themselves or others. If the heat engine rested , if the driving tired , rest . Do not be forced ! Just be patient , God willing, survived until the goal ! Blah blah blah ....
Riding a motorcycle can also be studied , could even be an adept in driving. Gratitude so drivers always win , like ... Rosy , hehehe ... Why yes it is a winner - it wrote ? always a few people ? traders as the winner too -that's it ... have always called a 90% loss, eh .. this day in 2010 was almost 2011, still only 90% of traders claimed loss ....
Well , mbuh , mboyak !
Anyway , if you want to become a profitable forex trader , need to find out what your weak points .
Some points of weakness are common are:
1. Trading too often .
How many times a week do you have days that benefit ? What are the benefits , at the end of the week can also survive ? Or eventually run out again because you are in a trade that silly ?
Another common problem is a trade too often , they tried to enter the trade with the mode of vengeance. Many traders may try to " get their money back immediately " from the market because the money was in telannya .
Patience while the transaction turns out not to be the most difficult issues for a trader . In addition to the system of discipline is also another issue that can not be done by most forex traders . Of course this is common knowledge , but everyone also knows , he's smart sepadai - drive ride a motorcycle, she would slip because of carelessness . Or as well as stepping on a nail outside factors and the vehicle fell off in the end (applicable also for a careful rider though) . If events like this mean the problem of " not yet good fortune . "
Are you still hoping extraordinary success ? You might have little doubt that it will succeed . Now , consider this : With patience , you can get it . Are you willing to sacrifice a little ' taste can not wait " for the sake of your success ? If you learn to sit and wait for the best trade ( because of patience ) , not only be trading a lot of fun , but can be very profitable . Let the spirit ! Do not speeding ? ! Watch out, there are cops asleep ! Wkwkkwkwkw ....
2. The difficulty to enter the trade .
Everywhere each time I conduct training , do not miss the emergence of a question , " How to determine buy and sell positions . " Hmmm ... So here ya , difficulty beginner traders ... Oh yes !
I asked, " if you already have a system ? Did your trading system ? "
" Oh no ! " he replied.
" Did you already use indicators? " I asked again .
" Oh yes ! "
" Are you able to read your indicator ? "
" Oh no ! "
" Piyeeeee ...???"
" Hahahahhaa ....!" laugh together , finally ...
" My analysis of the time, Kang ! I buy him off . I sell him also rose . I put SL , always hit , but I never touched Tp . So also I do not open a position , in my mind just told me definitely want to ride ... uh , he rose Ko , Kang ! What's wrong with me , Kang ? "
I gave a lengthy explanation , blah blah blah blah .....( sorry censored Mr . Forex , he said this explanation must pay) Wkwkkwkwkwkwk ...!!!
" Oh no !!!!"
There's my trainees ( training in Solo ) point the finger ( his name - so I kept Macashin my mobile no - ' writing ' is right I do not know) hehehehe , " Boss , I have a question , ' if floating minus only get to much , plus also means that when I can profit a lot , yes ' , Boss ? "
Hmmm ... some call me Boss , there is a call Kang ... Who me ? Hmmm ...
" Who let that limit the profit and loss more and more ? "
" Yes , definitely there . Traders are also human . He was afraid that plus it is lost , so is limited and taken 10 pips . " he replied.
" Why, but why he's not afraid lossnya more and more , so that left and are not restricted? " I asked ... But instead he just nodded only.
HHmmmm .. ngrasa what yah ? hehehe .. piss , Machasin ! Toss ! Wkwkwkwkkw ...
" Is there a strategy MasBoss , though we can profit a lot ? " Mas asked Hasan ( if this name is correctly written , as well as on my mobile ) hehehehe .
" Well .... Bla bla bla bla ...!" ( Oops , censored again by Mr . Forex , he said the answer to pay) Wkwkkwkw ...
This post I was really disappointed , Mr . Forex intervene , even in changing my explanation blah blah blah ... UHF ! But I respect him , he's my teacher . So , I agree. But it's okay I just ask , yes, let us fair explanation of why he is censoring me .... You're still there!
" Mr . Forex , why did you censor my explanation ? " I asked him .
" explanation about it , is auratmu ! Gak ethical if the open loose on the internet , will be in training forex training . " said Mr . Forex explains with a smile .
Hmmmmm ... If so , I just Enough of this post until here . You do not need to protest ! Useless , there is Mr . Forex here !
soucce: titik-titik-kelemahan-trader-forex
